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Showing posts from January, 2023

Baleen Whale - Information on Phylum, Lifespan etc

Baleen whales are a suborder of whales that are characterized by their baleen plates. Their characterization based on they use to filter food from seawater. There are two main types of baleen whales: mysticetes and odontocetes. Mysticetes, such as humpback whales, grey whales, and bowhead whales, have two blowholes, and are known for their long, narrow lower jaws and baleen plates made of keratin. Odontocetes, such as the killer whale, have one blowhole and baleen plates made of dentin. Baleen Whale Tooth, Species, Feeding & Breeding Baleen whales are generally larger than toothed whales and have a more varied diet, feeding on small fish, krill, plankton and squid. They are known for their complex vocalizations, including songs and calls, which can travel great distances underwater. Baleen whales are found in all oceans of the world. Some species migrate between feeding and breeding grounds, while others are resident in one area year-round. Many baleen whale populations have been s