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Showing posts from August, 2016

First Rupee Bond named Masala Bond by HDFC Accepted by UK

HDFC Bank became the First Indian bank to be listing First Rupee Bond named Masala. London Stock Exchange day August 1 haply welcomed Indian Bank Housing Development Finance Corporation (HDFC) Bank.  The HDFC bank became the first bank to issue such a Rupee bond. The bank's decision was welcomed by UK and the Chancellor of Exchequer. And the Indian Bank HDFC is noted by world wide financial expert by listing its landmark at the top financial center of the world. Philip Hammond welcomed the bank as it succeeded to raise its bond with 3 billion Indian Rupees. which is equal to 450 US dollars. Landmark ‘masala’ bond listing is 'a major vote of confidence in London’, says @PHammondMP — HM Treasury (@hmtreasury) August 1, 2016 Tweet Made by Philip Hmmond, Chancellor of Exchequer. United Kingdom News become viral when the UK Exchequer chancellor's tweet was re-tweetedx by Prime Minister of United Kingdom....